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Forensic Accounting: Fraud Investigation!
Introduction to the Course
Everything About This Course (1:51)
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Lesson 1: Introduction to Forensic Accounting: Fraud Investigation
The Fraud Triangle (3:13)
What is Fraud? (4:17)
Lesson 2: Skimming
Introduction to Skimming (1:30)
Sales Skimming - Examples (7:43)
Sales Skimming - Prevention and Detection (2:46)
Receivables Skimming (1:08)
Receivables Skimming - Lapping (2:08)
Receivables Skimming - Other Schemes (4:33)
Receivables Skimming - Prevention and Detection (3:08)
Recap of Skimming: Case Study (2:10)
Lesson 3: Cash Larceny
Introduction to Cash Larceny (1:11)
Cash Larceny at Point of Sale: Examples (3:56)
Cash Larceny at Point of Sale: Prevention and Detection (1:17)
Cash Larceny of Receivables (1:22)
Cash Larceny of Receivables: Examples (2:38)
Cash Larceny from Deposits (2:32)
Cash Larceny from Deposits: Examples, Prevention and Detection (2:58)
Recap of Cash Larceny: Case Study (2:27)
Lesson 4: Billing Schemes
Introduction to Billing Schemes (1:42)
Shell Company: Formation (3:23)
Shell Company: Ways to Defraud (5:25)
Shell Company: Collusion (3:28)
Shell Company: Prevention and Detection (4:02)
Billing Schemes: Using Legitimate Vendors (3:11)
Billing Schemes: Personal Purchases (1:34)
Recap of Billing Schemes: Case Study (2:27)
Overview and Next Steps
Conclusion and Thank You! (1:27)
Cash Larceny from Deposits: Examples, Prevention and Detection
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